I have presented at local, state, national and international conferences on topics related to inclusive service delivery, AAC, paraprofessional training and collaborative teaming. 

2023 Presentations

Burkhart, L., Show, J., & Steers, A. (2023, July 25). Young Children with Physical and Visual Challenges have Something to Say. [Conference Presentation]. ISAAC Conference, Cancun, Mexico.

Conference Handout: Young Children with Physical and Visual Challenges Have Something to Say

Burkhart, L., Steers, A., Cooper, K. (2023, October 12). Owen’s Story: Auditory + Visual Scanning To Communicate, Connect & Discover. [Conference Presentation]. Closing the Gap, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States.

Conference Handout: Owen’s Story: Auditory + Visual Scanning To Communicate, Connect & Discover.


Steers, A. & Buchinsky, A. (2014). Communicators: Coaching Paraprofessionals to Use Language Stimulation Strategies in the Classroom. New York, New York: International Institute for Learning.

Buchinsky, A., & Steers, A. (December 6, 2011). L’école CHIME : un modèle d’éducation inclusive. Association Française des Administrateurs de L’Education nationale. http://www.afae.fr/spip.php?article306&lang=fr


Steers, A. & Buchinsky, A. Training Paraprofessionals to Use Language Stimulation Strategies in the Classroom. American Speech-Language Hearing Association. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 2016 (pending).

Steers, A., Buchinsky, A., Salazar, S. Working with Teachers, Parents, and the IEP Team to Support Alternative Communication at School. Spectrum of Opportunity Conference. California Lutheran University. October 2016.

Steers, A. More Words More Often. CSUN Language and Literacy Conference. Northridge, CA. February 2015.

Steers, A. & Buchinsky, A. A School Without A Speech Room. ECET. Los Angeles, CA. October 2015.

Steers, A. & Buchinsky, A. Communicators: A Curriculum for Coaching Paraprofessionals to Use Language Stimulation Strategies. TASH. Washington, DC. December 2014.

Buchinsky, A. & Steers, A. Training Paraprofessionals to Use Language Stimulation Strategies in the Classroom. ECET. Los Angeles, CA. October 2014.

Steers, A., & Buchinsky, A. Training Paraprofessionals to Use Language-Stimulation Strategies in the Classroom. American Speech-Language Hearing Association. Chicago, IL. November 2013.

Steers, A., Buchinsky, A., & Murphy, D. Inclusive Service Delivery: It Starts With a Goal. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Atlanta, GA. November 2012.

Steers, A., & Murphy, D. Inclusive Service Delivery: It Starts With a Goal. CAL-TASH. Oakland, CA. March 2012.

Steers, A. The Whole Student and Whole Team: Collaborative AAC

Assessment/Intervention in an Inclusive Educational Setting. International Society for Augmentative Alternative Communication. Pittsburgh, PA. July 2012.


Collaborative AAC Assessment and Intervention. California State University Northridge, July 2011 & June 2012.

Making the Most of Your iPad. California State University Northridge, May 2012.

Diversity in Social and Emotional Development. California State University Northridge, February 2012.

AAC Assessment and Intervention. California State University Northridge, March 2011.

Cognitive and Linguistic Development. California State University Northridge, December 2011.